Think BIG

BIG. means bold, intentional and gift-driven

Sometimes it’s irritating to me when I hear people say, “be realistic” when sharing a bold vision for the future.

Whose reality are they talking about, anyway? Well—I’ve found that it’s usually theirs AND the one they gave up on.

That’s why I’m careful not to take “advice” and “opinions” from those folks into my consideration. I usually pass because the words and beliefs they share are rooted in FADSS energy—fear, anger, disgust, sadness, and schadenfreude, which means deriving joy off another’s misery.

When I decided to reclaim my power at 20, it was a huge step. I left my comfort zone and began building a life that I wanted—not what others said I should do.

Each time I’ve taken a step towards something new and risky—be it in my 20’s, 30’s and now 40’s—others were there trying to pull me back. Be it the alarmist telling me how unsafe it was, the defeatist saying it’s not possible, the traditionalist saying we don’t do things like this, or the antagonist saying I won’t let you. They were all VictimHood Dwellers I chose to ignore.

Whether it was deciding to have kids, moving to a new area, leaving the state, or starting a business—people stepped in to offer their diminishing view of possibility or a warning about taking on too much.

“Be grateful for what you have,” they’d say.

“All money isn’t good money,” or “You’re working too hard.”

There was always at least one limitation-fueled comeback pointed at my BIG dream. I didn’t take it personal for long, though.

For every alarmist or traditionalist, there were also supporters cheering me on. These folks are my champions. There are many of them in my life. I’ve learned to take their insight into consideration more than the VictimHood Dwellers’ negative no-nos.

Thinking BIG is a skill best learned through action. Setting an intention, scripting a goal, and accomplishing it creates a euphoric feeling that leaves me wanting more. I think higher, better and bigger toward what I can accomplish.

Coupling that with intentionality is what sets me on the path to achieve. JOY is the fuel that I’m powered by and the reason I push forward. It’s my Source of recharge—my inner-G.

When I think about how best my gift can be given to the world, I am doing more than asking what can I get. I’m wired to think about what can I give, too. This is important because it ties together my passion and purpose.

So, I invite you to consider ways you can think of and birth BIG dreams because those that think little, dream little, and get little. I’m not after that—I avoid little think. I’m going BIG. Others are joining me for the ride.

Will you join us in the YOUniverse?


Releasing Her—That Tangled Chick